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Monday, June 1, 2009

Mascot in Love with referees, with pictures! by Burrito

Today Burrito bring you vatos troubling informations concerning South Florida's favorite mascot Hotshot. Burrito half been hearings rumors that Hotshot has taken certain likings toward USL Referees and even hear some drunk fans at last game say "Hotshot is flamer". Burrito no believe these silly rumors until recent paparazzi fan pictures show up where Hotshot is caught in act of checking out USL Referees. See for yourself:

The next picture show Hotshot when he realize picture was taken. Notice look he make! He saying "Ay Dios mio! They see me looking at beautiful referees!"Now Burrito only problem is that if Hotshot half something with referees then why not use that to help Miami FC win games? Miami FC have not benefited from this situations and sometimes you need to take one for team, you know what Burrito saying?

Burrito ax a few fans at last game what they think about this situation an here is what these carnales says:

Anonymous: I find it shocking and disturbing it's a consequence brought on by the Obama administration! Damn Liberals!

Hal: I think it's cool and if it doesn't work out with the refs Hotshot should give me a call!

Maria: Que es ese Hotshot? Parece el Diablo!

Silvia: Next time I need a light I'm asking Hotshot!

Anonymous: He needs to find Jesus!

Now Burrito leave you with Horse that half similiar situation.
Check this out!

First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday

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